Source code for pyEX.stocks.batch

# *****************************************************************************
# Copyright (c) 2020, the pyEX authors.
# This file is part of the pyEX library, distributed under the terms of
# the Apache License 2.0.  The full license can be found in the LICENSE file.
import itertools
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

import pandas as pd

from ..common import (
from .fundamentals import _dividendsToDF, _earningsToDF, _financialsToDF, _splitsToDF
from .news import _newsToDF
from .prices import _bookToDF, _chartToDF, chart
from .profiles import _companyToDF, _peersToDF
from .research import _statsToDF

    "book": _bookToDF,
    "chart": _chartToDF,
    "company": _companyToDF,
    "dividends": _dividendsToDF,
    "earnings": _earningsToDF,
    "financials": _financialsToDF,
    "stats": _statsToDF,
    "news": _newsToDF,
    "peers": _peersToDF,
    "splits": _splitsToDF,

[docs]def batch( symbols, fields=None, range_="1m", last=10, token="", version="stable", filter="", format="json", ): """Batch several data requests into one invocation. If no `fields` passed in, will default to `quote` Args: symbols (str or list): List of tickers to request fields (str or list): List of fields to request range_ (str): Date range for chart last (int): token (str): Access token version (str): API version filter (str): filters: format (str): return format, defaults to json Returns: dict: results in json """ fields = fields or "quote" if not isinstance(symbols, [].__class__) and not isinstance(symbols, str): raise PyEXception( "batch expects string or list of strings for symbols argument" ) if isinstance(fields, str) and "," not in fields: fields = [fields] elif isinstance(fields, str): fields = fields.split(",") for field in fields: if field not in _BATCH_TYPES: raise PyEXception("Unrecognized batch request field: {}".format(field)) if range_ not in _TIMEFRAME_CHART: raise PyEXception("Range must be in %s" % str(_TIMEFRAME_CHART)) symbols = _quoteSymbols(symbols) if len(symbols.split(",")) > 100: raise PyEXception("IEX will only handle up to 100 symbols at a time!") if "," not in symbols: route = "stock/{}/batch?types={}&range={}&last={}".format( symbols, ",".join(fields), range_, last ) else: route = "stock/market/batch?symbols={}&types={}&range={}&last={}".format( symbols, ",".join(fields), range_, last ) return _get(route, token=token, version=version, filter=filter, format=format)
[docs]def batchDF( symbols, fields=None, range_="1m", last=10, token="", version="stable", filter="", format="json", ): """Batch several data requests into one invocation Args: symbols (list): List of tickers to request fields (list): List of fields to request range_ (str): Date range for chart last (int): token (str): Access token version (str): API version filter (str): filters: format (str): return format, defaults to json Returns: DataFrame: results in json """ symbols = _quoteSymbols(symbols) x = batch( symbols, fields, range_, last, token=token, version=version, filter=filter, format=format, ) ret = {} if "," not in symbols: # one level json, break down for field in x.keys(): ret[field] = _MAPPING.get(field, json_normalize)(x[field]) else: # two level json for symbol in x.keys(): for field in x[symbol].keys(): if field not in ret: ret[field] = pd.DataFrame() dat = x[symbol][field] dat = _MAPPING.get(field, json_normalize)(dat) dat["symbol"] = symbol ret[field] = pd.concat([ret[field], dat], sort=True) return ret
[docs]def bulkBatch( symbols, fields=None, range_="1m", last=10, token="", version="stable", filter="", format="json", ): """Optimized batch to fetch as much as possible at once Args: symbols (list): List of tickers to request fields (list): List of fields to request range_ (str): Date range for chart last (int): token (str): Access token version (str): API version filter (str): filters: format (str): return format, defaults to json Returns: dict: results in json """ fields = fields or _BATCH_TYPES args = [] empty_data = [] list_orig = empty_data.__class__ if not isinstance(symbols, list_orig): raise PyEXception("Symbols must be of type list") for i in range(0, len(symbols), 99): args.append( (symbols[i : i + 99], fields, range_, last, token, version, filter, format) ) pool = ThreadPool(20) rets = pool.starmap(batch, args) pool.close() ret = {} for i, d in enumerate(rets): symbols_subset = args[i][0] if len(d) != len(symbols_subset): empty_data.extend(list_orig(set(symbols_subset) - set(d.keys()))) ret.update(d) for k in empty_data: if k not in ret: if isinstance(fields, str): ret[k] = {} else: ret[k] = {x: {} for x in fields} return ret
[docs]def bulkBatchDF( symbols, fields=None, range_="1m", last=10, token="", version="stable", filter="", format="json", ): """Optimized batch to fetch as much as possible at once Args: symbols (list): List of tickers to request fields (list): List of fields to request range_ (str): Date range for chart last (int): token (str): Access token version (str): API version filter (str): filters: format (str): return format, defaults to json Returns: DataFrame: results in json """ dat = bulkBatch( symbols, fields, range_, last, token=token, version=version, filter=filter, format=format, ) ret = {} for symbol in dat: for field in dat[symbol]: if field not in ret: ret[field] = pd.DataFrame() d = dat[symbol][field] d = _MAPPING[field](d) d["symbol"] = symbol ret[field] = pd.concat([ret[field], d], sort=True) return ret
[docs]def bulkMinuteBars(symbol, dates, token="", version="stable", filter="", format="json"): """fetch many dates worth of minute-bars for a given symbol""" _raiseIfNotStr(symbol) dates = [_strOrDate(date) for date in dates] list_orig = dates.__class__ args = [] for date in dates: args.append((symbol, "1d", date, token, version, filter, format)) pool = ThreadPool(20) rets = pool.starmap(chart, args) pool.close() return list_orig(itertools.chain(*rets))
[docs]def bulkMinuteBarsDF( symbol, dates, token="", version="stable", filter="", format="json" ): """fetch many dates worth of minute-bars for a given symbol""" data = bulkMinuteBars( symbol, dates, token=token, version=version, filter=filter, format=format ) df = pd.DataFrame(data) if df.empty: return df _toDatetime(df) df.set_index(["date", "minute"], inplace=True) return df