Source code for pyEX.studies.technicals.price

# *****************************************************************************
# Copyright (c) 2020, the pyEX authors.
# This file is part of the pyEX library, distributed under the terms of
# the Apache License 2.0.  The full license can be found in the LICENSE file.
import pandas as pd
import talib as t

[docs]def avgprice( client, symbol, timeframe="6m", opencol="open", highcol="high", lowcol="low", closecol="close", ): """This will return a dataframe of average price for the given symbol across the given timeframe Args: client (pyEX.Client): Client symbol (string): Ticker timeframe (string): timeframe to use, for pyEX.chart opencol (string): column to use to calculate highcol (string): column to use to calculate lowcol (string): column to use to calculate closecol (string): column to use to calculate Returns: DataFrame: result """ df = client.chartDF(symbol, timeframe) avg = t.AVGPRICE( df[opencol].values.astype(float), df[highcol].values.astype(float), df[lowcol].values.astype(float), df[closecol].values.astype(float), ) return pd.DataFrame( { opencol: df[opencol].values, highcol: df[highcol].values, lowcol: df[lowcol].values, closecol: df[closecol].values, "avgprice": avg, } )
[docs]def medprice(client, symbol, timeframe="6m", highcol="high", lowcol="low"): """This will return a dataframe of median price for the given symbol across the given timeframe Args: client (pyEX.Client): Client symbol (string): Ticker timeframe (string): timeframe to use, for pyEX.chart highcol (string): column to use to calculate lowcol (string): column to use to calculate Returns: DataFrame: result """ df = client.chartDF(symbol, timeframe) med = t.MEDPRICE(df[highcol].values.astype(float), df[lowcol].values.astype(float)) return pd.DataFrame( {highcol: df[highcol].values, lowcol: df[lowcol].values, "medprice": med} )
[docs]def typprice( client, symbol, timeframe="6m", opencol="open", highcol="high", lowcol="low", closecol="close", ): """This will return a dataframe of typical price for the given symbol across the given timeframe Args: client (pyEX.Client): Client symbol (string): Ticker timeframe (string): timeframe to use, for pyEX.chart highcol (string): column to use to calculate lowcol (string): column to use to calculate closecol (string): column to use to calculate Returns: DataFrame: result """ df = client.chartDF(symbol, timeframe) typ = t.TYPPRICE( df[highcol].values.astype(float), df[lowcol].values.astype(float), df[closecol].values.astype(float), ) return pd.DataFrame( { highcol: df[highcol].values, lowcol: df[lowcol].values, closecol: df[closecol].values, "typprice": typ, } )
[docs]def wclprice( client, symbol, timeframe="6m", opencol="open", highcol="high", lowcol="low", closecol="close", ): """This will return a dataframe of weighted close price for the given symbol across the given timeframe Args: client (pyEX.Client): Client symbol (string): Ticker timeframe (string): timeframe to use, for pyEX.chart highcol (string): column to use to calculate lowcol (string): column to use to calculate closecol (string): column to use to calculate Returns: DataFrame: result """ df = client.chartDF(symbol, timeframe) wcl = t.WCLPRICE( df[highcol].values.astype(float), df[lowcol].values.astype(float), df[closecol].values.astype(float), ) return pd.DataFrame( { highcol: df[highcol].values, lowcol: df[lowcol].values, closecol: df[closecol].values, "wclprice": wcl, } )